August 1, 2009

Jobfox Career Map

To see my full career page, click here

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How can you not have sweet dreams when surrounded like this while you sleep?

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June 18, 2009

Free Live Music at ICA Boston

HarborWalk Sounds: Berklee College of Music at the ICA
Target Free Thursday Nights, July 9 - 30

Food is not free, but is very good.

ICA Boston Music Calendar Sphere: Related Content

Intellectual Property

Disclaimer: The information referred and linked to below constitutes legal information and not legal advice. The reader assumes all responsibility for any and all use of this information. Please consult a licensed attorney for specific questions.

Etsy's in-depth and easy to understand explanation - viewable here

Digital Millennium Copyright Act - viewable here Sphere: Related Content

May 21, 2009

Art vs. Craft in a Down Economy

I have read recently that craft sales are doing better since the recession:

and now I read that art sales are doing worse:

So, I wonder why the difference?

It's an interesting new twist to the Art vs. Craft debate that has raged since ancient times. Art is considered to be "high," "fine," "untouchable" -- craft is considered to be, well basically the opposite. Craft is useful, which seems enough to knock it off the "art" podium for many.

I disagree that craft is lower than art and if our free market economy is any indication, most people seem to disagree as well.

Are we getting over the art for art's sake era, or does it just seem that way because of our wacky economy? Sphere: Related Content

May 20, 2009

Yes please

Amazing piece of creative furniture - I'll take it, though can the "request quote" price be somewhere in the range of $100? Probably not.

Oh, and this too Sphere: Related Content

Fascinating Artist and Medium

Dustin Yellin creates fantastic, life-like sculptures that appear to be natural objects preserved in a column of resin, but they are not. He draws on thin layers of resin that come together to create a drawn sculpture. Very interesting spin on a drawing.

Dustin Yellin at the Robert Miller Gallery in NYC Sphere: Related Content

May 13, 2009

Apology to Blog

Dear blog,

I have neglected you as of late and I am sorry. Grad school was a little nuts this semester. Now that finals are over though, I will again show you the love you deserve and I may make you some little brothers and sisters to play with :)

Ok, now it's just getting a little creepy. I feel bad when I don't post for a long time though. I have a lot to say (as those who know me can attest to) and now I need to get caught up.

I have seen some awesome musicals and shows and gone to some great places, so I'll be writing about those. I am also going to be re-learning the adobe web suite programs and getting myself up to speed on Web 2.0 and now Web 3.0, so I will probably have adventures and projects to share.

I also have a ton of craft and quilting projects started that I will be trying to finish up, so I will be posting pics of those as well.

Love Kim Sphere: Related Content

May 1, 2009

T Discoveries

While riding Boston's T is not always a pleasant experience, what with the people so drunk they are passed out by the time we reach Alewife and the occasional smell that can only be described as "fresh" diaper, it does have some great advantages.

Besides being a great way to get around and avoid the insane parking situation and taxi drivers in the city, it has also been a great place for me to learn about my new city.

The posters inside the cars offer a wealth of information on events to go to, places to see, institutions at which to get educated, etc.

The greatest discovery to date was the poster about the Harvard Extension School, which I now attend.

The most recent treasures I found were Museums of Boston and Anime Boston.

Museums of Boston is a great site for me and other museum nerds to find out all that this awesome area has to offer. You could go to a musuem each weekend and have at least a year's worth of trips to make.

Anime Boston is "The Northeast's Largest Anime Convention" - need I say more? Sphere: Related Content

Cool Green Org

"e" inc., The Environmental Learning & Action Center Sphere: Related Content

April 17, 2009

Web Dev

Once I can master the new versions of the Adobe Web Suite and especially after I take the Intellectual Property and Web Design classes at Harvard, I plan to join this (or something like it) and get back into web design, which I love and miss. Sphere: Related Content

Page Sargisson

Awesome jewelry that is more art than fashion and makes a real statement Sphere: Related Content

April 16, 2009

Art Nouveau doors

Art Nouveau doors

I love Art Nouveau. Ever since I saw the Art Nouveau jewelry exhibit at the MFA I have been hooked. The attention to detail, the odd and beautiful inspiration for each piece, and the impeccable craftsmanship outdo most anything around today.

It's pretty great when I get inspired by something as everyday as a door. Sphere: Related Content

Random Site of Day

Japanese Bird Cooking Spaghetti

I just love that anyone can put anything online. I tend to appreciate randomness and who doesn't love a cute little bird in the kitchen? :) Sphere: Related Content

April 15, 2009

Santa Fe Indian Market

Growing up near Santa Fe afforded me the opportunity to see this great show many times. It is fascinating to see art through another culture's eyes and much of this art is world class and mind blowing.

When I went to the Peabody Essex museum in Salem the other day I was thrilled to have a lengthy conversation with a docent about the museum's appreciation for modern world art. They have an incredible contemporary Chinese art exhibit right now "Mah Jong" that is revolutionary. No other museum has evern exhibited contemporary Chinese art.

They also have contemporary Eastern Indian art and contemporary Native American Indian art. I was so excited to recognize several of the artist's pieces and to see that many of them were from Santa Fe and Taos.

The woman I spoke to (shame on me for being just terrible with names) was excited to know that I had a passion for this art and told me about the large (unfortunately stored and not displayed) collection of native american art the museum has acauired, both traditional and contemporary. I asked if she had ever been to the Santa Fe Indian Market and she said that she regrettable hadn't, but that one of their main curators goes each year and buys pieces for the museum's collection.

I wish that the museum had a more permanent display of native american art, but hopefully someday the public's appreciation of this work will coincide with the museum's and we will see more of that work come out of storage. Sphere: Related Content

Sphere Related Content Sphere: Related Content

April 7, 2009

Intellectual Property

Disclaimer: The information referred and linked to below constitutes legal information and not legal advice. The reader assumes all responsibility for any and all use of this information. Please consult a licensed attorney for specific questions.

Etsy's in-depth and easy to understand explanation - viewable here

Digital Millennium Copyright Act - viewable here Sphere: Related Content

April 1, 2009

Stuff to Do and Read

  • Turning Over a New Leaf - article
  • Spruce up those dreadful annual meeting stories - article
  • Do you suffer from digital exhaustion? - article
  • Leveraging 'The Power of Less' at Web 2.0 Expo - article
Sphere: Related Content

Oh Canada

I was told that I did not need a passport to go to Canada. I drove up to the border and was then informed by a not so nice border patrol girl (I say girl because I think she was 10) that no passport is needed, but then you need a birth certificate. ARRGGHH. Dumby me for not double checking.

So, no Toronto on my long weekend trip and a longer drive than expected to Niagara Falls, but still a great time. Going in early Spring has its advantages: cheap hotels, no waits at restaurants, unobstructed view of falls and river. It also has its disadvantages: everything is CLOSED and it is nasty windy and cold (sigh)

The best part of the trip was Old Fort Niagara. That place is awesome and I had no idea it was such a huge part of our history. Very cool.

I have to go back for 4th of July weekend. Not only because it is 4th of July, but also because this year it is the 250th Anniversary of the French and Indian War and they are having this huge to-do about it. That should be really cool. By then all the stuff will be open as well.

I will also have not only my passport, but my proof of Canadian citizenship as well. I am dual because I was born after 1979 and my Mom is Canadian, but I have to apply for the documentation of it.

I plan to show up to the border super ultra over prepared with driver's license, passport card, passport book, birth certificate, social security card and proof of Canadian citizenship. I would like to have the same snot nosed little agent process that (hmph :p) Sphere: Related Content

March 26, 2009

Avoid These Restaurants

The Best and Worst Restaurants in America - Men's Health Article
Sphere: Related Content

Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche

Have to go to Toronto for this on Saturday, October 3, 2009

"For one sleepless night discover art in galleries, museums and unexpected places. Four exhibitions from five Canadian curators will transform Toronto’s streets for the 2009 edition of Scotiabank Nuit Blanche."

Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche Sphere: Related Content

March 25, 2009

Cool Web Dev Stuff

Proximity Effects

More Monkey Than Man

Loop Sampler Sphere: Related Content

Compelling stuff from "the other side"

A letter sent on Tuesday by Jake DeSantis, an executive vice president of the American International Group’s financial products unit, to Edward M. Liddy, the chief executive of A.I.G.

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Lisa Lichtenfels

I was first introduced to Lisa's amazing work in the documentary The Art of the Dollmaker. She creates beautifully realistic and personal dolls. I love that she captures individuality in each one. She uses very scientific and technical means to sculpt the dolls by creating a skeleton, then muscles, then skin and hair -- all out of fabric and fibers. They are truly amazing.

The Art of the Dollmaker

Lisa Lichtenfels' Site
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March 24, 2009

Mini Vacation This Weekend

Eric and I are going to Niagara Falls and Toronto for a long weekend. I am so excited. Never been to either place and I am half Canadian so that is just sad :) Sphere: Related Content

Spring Cleaning

In an effort to jump start my spring cleaning and to get the house ready for my Mom's Easter visit, I compiled some tips from

Daily Chores
  1. Clean Dishes
  2. Wash Laundry
  3. Tidy Up
  4. File Papers/Mail
  5. Clean Out Car
  6. Brush Dog
Weekly Chores
  1. Wash/Vacuum Car
  2. Change Cat Boxes
  3. Scrub Pet Water/Food Bowls
  4. Sweep Entries, Basement, Garage, Patio
  5. Organize Books and Magazines
  6. Clean Bathrooms
  7. Change Linens in All Rooms
  8. Clean Sinks (flush with baking soda and vinegar to unclog)
  9. Wipe Down Kitchen Appliances
  10. Microwave (inside/out)
  11. Spot Clean Walls
  12. Clean Leftovers/Expireds from Fridge
  13. Gather/Take Out Trash
  14. Vacuum
  15. Dust
  16. Mop
  17. Bathe Cats and Dog
  18. Trim Dogs Nails and Clean Out Ears
Monthly Chores
  1. Check and Clean Bike
  2. Wax Car
  3. Dust Ceiling Fans
  4. Clean Light Fixtures
  5. Dust Air Vents
  6. Clean Walls
  7. Clean Window Treatments
  8. Dust Intensively
  9. Vacuum Inside Furniture
  10. Clean Windows
  11. Spot Treat Carpet and Upholstery
  12. Check Smoke Alarms
  13. Change Filters
  14. Deep Clean Appliances
  15. Scrub Cat Boxes
Seasonal Chores
  1. Steam Clean Carpets (every 4 months)
  2. Steam Clean Car (every 4 months)
  3. Groom Dog (every 3 months)
  4. Clean Out Closets (clothes and storage every 6 months)
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Sometimes I feel like an egg, when I would rather feel like a fork Sphere: Related Content

March 23, 2009

March 22, 2009

Inspiration for future art projects. Particularly fascinated by life like art dolls. I think the myriad fashion shots lend themselves well to being made into dolls.

Check Out My Profile Sphere: Related Content

March 20, 2009

Insurance Claims

I believe that had there been insurance companies in Dante's time, one of the circles of hell would have punished sinners with forever trying to get a claim paid. Sphere: Related Content

Make Something

I love this piece by wk12. I have been looking for something creative and inspirational to put on my studio walls and I think I will do my own spin on this.
Sphere: Related Content

March 19, 2009

I want a lion and a sidecar and a crazy curved wall

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April 4-5

$8 adults / $6 seniors and students - just take this brief survey
or $10 for adults / $8 seniors and students - regular price

I'll be at the following presentations/classes/discussions:

* Edible Wild Plants and Mushrooms of New England
* Greening your community. Local is the real green.
* Getting a Handle on Green Gadgets
* Save Money, Save the Earth
* Fair Trade + Small Farmers = Big Change
* Eco-Chic Fashion Show

* How to Sustain Yourself in a Tough Economy
* Eating Local... It's Easier Than You Think
* Pitch the City - Mayor Menino
* How Do We Build an Inclusive and Equitable Global Economy?
* Responsible Investing Sphere: Related Content

I am a universe-hopping utopian being

Quantum Jumping
Ummm... LOL Sphere: Related Content

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