September 16, 2007

A Black and White Photograph

A black and white photograph can make Hollywood glamour pop into a poor immigrant family.

The shot was a paparazzi dream, an instant classic on the cover of vogue. He was so dapper in his tailored wool and pomade hair. His crystal blue eyes sparkled through the monochromatic print. She was an elegant lady in her fitted pea coat and high heeled Mary Janes. Her tightly curled black hair, red lips, and Onyx eyes showing all the same rich color against her porcelain skin.

But the photographer was no paparazzi, and the couple's only link to Hollywood was the bitter drama of making it through life poor, with family thousands of miles away, and without the skills really necessary to be truly happy. Sphere: Related Content

My Muse

My muse is a vicious creature. It inspires me to remember hurts and wrongs. It prompts me to observe plights and injustices. It reminds me to empathize and communicate. My muse doesn't flounce around in fairy grab or sport blonde ringlets. It doesn't have rosy lips that whisper in my ear. It screams for my attention and demands to be noticed and catered to. It is a spoiled child that cries to get its way and is seldom pleased.

But, it pushes me to express what I dare not share. It forces me to engage my mind with my unwilling hand. And despite its ferocity and its brattiness, it wants what is best for me and what is right for the world. Sphere: Related Content

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