April 1, 2009

Oh Canada

I was told that I did not need a passport to go to Canada. I drove up to the border and was then informed by a not so nice border patrol girl (I say girl because I think she was 10) that no passport is needed, but then you need a birth certificate. ARRGGHH. Dumby me for not double checking.

So, no Toronto on my long weekend trip and a longer drive than expected to Niagara Falls, but still a great time. Going in early Spring has its advantages: cheap hotels, no waits at restaurants, unobstructed view of falls and river. It also has its disadvantages: everything is CLOSED and it is nasty windy and cold (sigh)

The best part of the trip was Old Fort Niagara. That place is awesome and I had no idea it was such a huge part of our history. Very cool.

I have to go back for 4th of July weekend. Not only because it is 4th of July, but also because this year it is the 250th Anniversary of the French and Indian War and they are having this huge to-do about it. That should be really cool. By then all the stuff will be open as well.

I will also have not only my passport, but my proof of Canadian citizenship as well. I am dual because I was born after 1979 and my Mom is Canadian, but I have to apply for the documentation of it.

I plan to show up to the border super ultra over prepared with driver's license, passport card, passport book, birth certificate, social security card and proof of Canadian citizenship. I would like to have the same snot nosed little agent process that (hmph :p) Sphere: Related Content

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