April 15, 2009

Santa Fe Indian Market


Growing up near Santa Fe afforded me the opportunity to see this great show many times. It is fascinating to see art through another culture's eyes and much of this art is world class and mind blowing.

When I went to the Peabody Essex museum in Salem the other day I was thrilled to have a lengthy conversation with a docent about the museum's appreciation for modern world art. They have an incredible contemporary Chinese art exhibit right now "Mah Jong" that is revolutionary. No other museum has evern exhibited contemporary Chinese art.

They also have contemporary Eastern Indian art and contemporary Native American Indian art. I was so excited to recognize several of the artist's pieces and to see that many of them were from Santa Fe and Taos.

The woman I spoke to (shame on me for being just terrible with names) was excited to know that I had a passion for this art and told me about the large (unfortunately stored and not displayed) collection of native american art the museum has acauired, both traditional and contemporary. I asked if she had ever been to the Santa Fe Indian Market and she said that she regrettable hadn't, but that one of their main curators goes each year and buys pieces for the museum's collection.

I wish that the museum had a more permanent display of native american art, but hopefully someday the public's appreciation of this work will coincide with the museum's and we will see more of that work come out of storage. Sphere: Related Content

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