May 21, 2009

Art vs. Craft in a Down Economy

I have read recently that craft sales are doing better since the recession:

and now I read that art sales are doing worse:

So, I wonder why the difference?

It's an interesting new twist to the Art vs. Craft debate that has raged since ancient times. Art is considered to be "high," "fine," "untouchable" -- craft is considered to be, well basically the opposite. Craft is useful, which seems enough to knock it off the "art" podium for many.

I disagree that craft is lower than art and if our free market economy is any indication, most people seem to disagree as well.

Are we getting over the art for art's sake era, or does it just seem that way because of our wacky economy? Sphere: Related Content

May 20, 2009

Yes please

Amazing piece of creative furniture - I'll take it, though can the "request quote" price be somewhere in the range of $100? Probably not.

Oh, and this too Sphere: Related Content

Fascinating Artist and Medium

Dustin Yellin creates fantastic, life-like sculptures that appear to be natural objects preserved in a column of resin, but they are not. He draws on thin layers of resin that come together to create a drawn sculpture. Very interesting spin on a drawing.

Dustin Yellin at the Robert Miller Gallery in NYC Sphere: Related Content

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