May 13, 2009

Apology to Blog

Dear blog,

I have neglected you as of late and I am sorry. Grad school was a little nuts this semester. Now that finals are over though, I will again show you the love you deserve and I may make you some little brothers and sisters to play with :)

Ok, now it's just getting a little creepy. I feel bad when I don't post for a long time though. I have a lot to say (as those who know me can attest to) and now I need to get caught up.

I have seen some awesome musicals and shows and gone to some great places, so I'll be writing about those. I am also going to be re-learning the adobe web suite programs and getting myself up to speed on Web 2.0 and now Web 3.0, so I will probably have adventures and projects to share.

I also have a ton of craft and quilting projects started that I will be trying to finish up, so I will be posting pics of those as well.

Love Kim Sphere: Related Content

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